Friday, March 2, 2012

What if Women Read G3nt?

Dear Gentlemen,
How does a gentleman know what to and what not to tell his significant other? Specifically, I told her of this forum for gentlemen at its inception and often worry she is a reader.

Wary in Walla Walla

Dear Wary,
While G3nt isn’t intended as an advice site for women, we believe it may benefit gentlemen for women to read it.

Now I can’t address your particular fears. All women are upset by different things. And I won’t venture to guess which topics we address that might make for an uncomfortable conversation with your significant other.

But regardless of the topic, it may be better that she hear it from us than from you. If our advice angers her, you can always say that you didn’t write it, that in fact you abhor the views presented in the Daily Handbook for the Third Millennium Gentleman, and that you only read it for laughs. She may not believe you, but she can’t rightfully accuse you of writing it, or even believing it. You have plausible deniability. It is possible, but not certain, that the very writers of G3nt itself do exactly that when queried about the content of the site.

And should your significant other read the Daily Handbook for the Third Millennium Gentleman, she may become angry or exasperated, but she may also chuckle. And most importantly, she may gain some insight into your own struggles, enthusiasms and enjoyments as a mostly well-meaning gentleman in confusing times.

The Gentlemen

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