Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How a Gentleman Murders a Pet

Dear Gentlemen,
The family cat has become a burden. It pees in my closet. The time has come to end the relationship. The kids love the cat. My wife likes the cat. But I can't occasionally go to work smelling like cat urine. I'm ready to do the deed, but I figured a little advice from pros like you might help me avoid a major catastrophe.

Can I kill the family cat and tell my family that it just ran away and they shouldn't leave the back door open?

Kindly Yours,
Mike, CT

Dear Mike,
Your eagerness to murder the family cat is something that could probably bear introspection. There are other ways to keep a cat out of a closet.

But should you discover no better option, then you must take every necessary step to conceal your actions. Do not tip your hand to your family, before or after. Choose a propitious moment. Take the morning off work if you must. Then take the cat to the vet and pay cash for the services. Cover your tracks and stick to your breezily delivered conjecture: The cat ran away.

Killing a cat is generally not considered a gentlemanly thing to do. But killing a cat poorly and obviously is (as you may or may not soon learn) inexcusable.

The Gentlemen

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