Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How a Gentleman Turns Down a Hired Lady

Dear Gentlemen,
I was out drinking with a friend of mine the other night. We are both in our 20s and single. After a good night of drinking my buddy declared, "I'm buying you a girl! It's gonna be great."

So we went back to his high rise apartment in the city and he called an escort service and had two girls come over. He chose the better looking girl and went into his bedroom and left me and a tired looking Russian woman in his living room.

How should I have proceeded?

Expectantly, NYC

Dear Expectantly,
As a gentleman gets older, he can list an increasing number of things that once seemed like a great idea, but now just smell wrong. This sounds like one of them.

There are a lot of reasons to turn down a prostitute, even a free one. There’s the possibility of disease, legal risks, the diminishment of her dignity, the diminishment of your dignity, the chance someone will find out, and the psychological warping that can occur from associating money too closely with sexual release. There’s also the danger that you not like the look or the smell of that particular hooker.
So unless you need to sleep with the hooker as some part of a business negotiation or diplomatic mission, then feel free to walk away. Just because your friend is feeling generous doesn’t mean you have to play along to quite that extent. Pat your prostitute on the derriere and send her in to work with her colleague on your friend, and call it a night.

With Restraint,
The Gentlemen

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When a Gentleman's Blog Flags

Dear Gentlemen,
I'm a blogger and lately I've been slacking off on posting to my blog. It's been, like, a week since I put anything up. Should I feel bad? Am I letting my loyal readers down? Or in this information age of virtual reality and no consequences "human" interaction should I feel justified flaking out?

The second part of my question is this: Is it gentlemanly to blog at all? Does a gentleman subject his fellow members of society to yet another trite and biased information stream?

Building a Blog Cabin in Bloomington 

Dear Mr. Bloomington,
We will take the last part of your question first, as it relates to the first. Blogging would seem, at first blush, to contradict the ancient gentleman’s dictum to Keep it to yourself. And if one surveys the blogosphere, it is populated by fewer gentlemen than the other sort of fellow.

But if a gentleman has specialized knowledge to impart in the fields of hunting, fishing, or even say ethics and etiquette, then he is doing his fellow man a favor by generously sharing that wisdom, and should be applauded, even paid handsomely (certainly his sponsors should be clicked on and patronized). The medium he chooses could be a fiery speech, a leather-bound tome or a blog. The medium matters little.

Now, assuming that you are enriching your readers with your blog, you should not abandon them. But if your interest has waned, then you may need to pause, take a few days or a week off and refocus yourself. The most common sin of the blogger, tweeter, television talking head or button-holing party bore is to speak incessantly without taking the time to contemplate or learn more than he already knows.

Every field must lay fallow once in a while if it is to produce anything of value.

The Gentlemen

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How a Gentleman Murders a Pet

Dear Gentlemen,
The family cat has become a burden. It pees in my closet. The time has come to end the relationship. The kids love the cat. My wife likes the cat. But I can't occasionally go to work smelling like cat urine. I'm ready to do the deed, but I figured a little advice from pros like you might help me avoid a major catastrophe.

Can I kill the family cat and tell my family that it just ran away and they shouldn't leave the back door open?

Kindly Yours,
Mike, CT

Dear Mike,
Your eagerness to murder the family cat is something that could probably bear introspection. There are other ways to keep a cat out of a closet.

But should you discover no better option, then you must take every necessary step to conceal your actions. Do not tip your hand to your family, before or after. Choose a propitious moment. Take the morning off work if you must. Then take the cat to the vet and pay cash for the services. Cover your tracks and stick to your breezily delivered conjecture: The cat ran away.

Killing a cat is generally not considered a gentlemanly thing to do. But killing a cat poorly and obviously is (as you may or may not soon learn) inexcusable.

The Gentlemen

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Caught in flagrante delicto with himself?

Dear Gentlemen,
How does a gentleman respond when he is caught in flagrante delicto with himself?
Onanistic in Oregon

Dear Onanistic,
You gotta own it. Creeps and perverts are shy introverts who run from any confrontation with their desires. Gentlemen occasionally wank it. No big deal.

Certainly it is best to plan ahead so you don't get caught at say work, or your parents' bedroom or somewhere a child might find you. But, otherwise, be a man: admit you do it. And, if appropriate, ask whoever caught you to help you finish.

The Gentlemen

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How Do I Turn Down Cash Gifts from In-Laws?

Dear Gentlemen,
I recently spent the weekend with my mother-in-law and despite the fact that I have good job and support our family with 3 kids she gave us gas money. I own my own home and drive a new SUV. My wife gladly just sticks the money in her pocket and waves good bye. It makes me feel like a spare changer.

How can I turn down gifts of cash from my mother-in-law?

Spent, Kansas City, MO

Dear Mr. Spent,
There are gifts in the world that you have to accept and their are gifts you can refuse. Unfortunately it is your relationship to the giver of the gift and not the gift itself that determines what is proper manners.

Money gifts often cause undue tribulation. Some people like to give gifts, would you rather have a gift card or, God forbid, an actual gift of a sweater or candle or something? If you were asking what to give to your son-in-law I would suggest cash is a fine gift.

But you aren't. And you have some issue with looking like a real adult, so if you must turn down the cash gift, you can. You just have to be upfront and clear. You can even take preventative action and declare that you will no longer be accepting cash gifts. However, whenever you take something away from an in-law/grandparent you need to give them another way to express their love. Tell them that of course they can put money into the kids' college fund.

You can't turn down a gift for your kids, no matter what it is.

As far as your wife putting the money quickly in her pocket, that sounds like a whole different problem. You should write back in with that one.

Cash Gifts Accepted,
The Gentlemen

Friday, May 11, 2012

Giving Mothers' Day Gifts

Dear Gentlemen,
Should I get the mother of my children or my own mother the more valuable/nicer gift for Mothers' Day?

Humbled by Holidays

Dear Humbled,
The mother of your children. First, you probably live with her. Second, it’s a newer, more exciting thing for her. Third, she’s more likely to be in the heavy lifting part of motherhood, and thus deserving of the better present. Fourth, any mother worth her salt will know that the love, decency and consideration you show your wife or girlfriend is a direct reflection of how well she raised you.

That said, try to keep yourself out of a situation where your wife and your mother will be comparing gifts.

The Gentlemen

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Where Friends Should Hang Out

Dear Gentlemen,
I have a friend I hang out with about once a week. He lives in a trendy part of town full of boutiques, restaurants, and nightclubs. I live 2.4 miles away in a quiet neighborhood known for its trees. My friend and I are at least ten years past the core demographic of his neighborhood, and when we hang out there, we are either listening to records at his house or chatting in the one bar we like. But despite not really using his neighborhood for anything that makes it a globally recognized epicenter of youth culture, somehow we're always there, and never at my place in my neighborhood. Our hangouts are geographically lopsided. It's not like it's easier for me to get to his than vice versa: the hassle is same either way, and since we're only 2.4 miles apart, it's not even that big a hassle (you could walk it in 45 minutes. The bus takes 20. Car service, 10). Yet, for reasons that seem more psychological than logistical, I'm at his house every week and he's at mine maybe twice a year.

Should hangouts between close pals be an even split of locale? How do I bring it up without seeming like a needy wuss? Many thanks for the guidance.

Mike W. Queens, NY

Dear Mike,
Odds are that your friend has also noticed the discrepancy. He probably figures that you just like to get out of your neighborhood.

But a gentleman doesn’t make an issue out of something unless he absolutely must.

There isn’t much to discuss here. Rather, the next time you’re making plans, simply suggest that he meet you at yours. Have a plan to grill steaks or try a local bar. Something. Don’t make it about the dynamic if it’s really just a matter of habit.

If he resists the idea and tries to move things back to his area, then say you’re not in the mood for the hipster noise of the locale. Keep insisting and only make the nature of your friendship the issue if he does.

The Gentlemen

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Can I Give Other Drivers the Finger?

Dear Gentlemen,
What really bugs me about other drivers is when they get angry. They honk or speed up and cut me off because they have some idea that I was being a jerk. Who knows. But I end up on the receiving end of some driving anger.

Is in inappropriate or ungentlemanly to give these guys the finger? I even want to give the finger to people I see who stop traffic to yell at other people. I know everyone thinks they are the only good and sane driver, but I just really want to tell some drivers they are assholes.

Itchy Finger, Easton, PA

Dear Mr. Finger,
A gentleman does not participate in road rage. It is a waste of energy.

However, you have touched on a grey area. You don't care about how a person drives, but how they react to the conditions on the road. Obviously you are hoping to carve out a space where you can both have the moral high ground and give someone the finger.

Generally, the rule must stand that a gentleman does not involve himself in road rage. But if you must give someone the finger, at least do it with a smile.

The Gentlemen

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Part of Marriage is Not Excusing a Fart?

Dear Gentlemen,
I am married with 2 small children. I have lived with my wife for 10 years. She has suddenly got it in her head that I need to say "excuse me" every time I pass gas. Do I have to do this?

Breaking Wind, Grand Rapids

Dear Mr. Wind,
Being married means living at close quarters. And the difference between close quarters being a cozy, enjoyable experience and being pure hell often comes down to common courtesy. Your wife is a lady and should be treated as such. Saying "excuse me" is no great abrogation of your patriarchal prerogatives. It costs you little, and will ultimately gain you much. Hell, go the extra yard and excuse yourself after belches too. She'll appreciate the consideration.

The Gentlemen

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Do These Awesome Muscles Make Me Look Gay?

Dear Gentlemen,
I live in the midwest where not all 30-year-old single men work out at a gym. I go to the gym right around the corner from my house. It is very convenient and I want to continue to use this gym. For awhile now, and this morning in particular, there is a group of gay men in the locker room that are seriously checking me out.

I think it is inappropriate. I don't like it. But I sort of feel like it is my fault, and that maybe I just think they are checking me out. Straight men have a strict code about looking at other men: You don't do it. Is it wrong that I think gay men should adhere to the same standard?

Also, I know I could go to a different gym, but in the midwest there is a good chance I would run into the same problem. And I don't think I should be the one that should have to change my behavior. If I was a woman and a group of guys was checking me out, I would complain to the manager, but as a man that seems a little weak and ungentlemanly. Complaining in general seems ungentlemanly.

Should I say something? Whom should I say it to? Should I just go to a new gym?

Leered At in MO

Dear Leered At,
It is an unfortunate circumstance when the most difficult corse of action is in fact the easiest thing to do. If you think some dude in your locker room is checking out your stuff in a lewd and prurient manner, you can tell him you don't appreciate the stare and would prefer a bit of privacy while you towel off and dress.

That said, it does not mean you won't be yelled at for being a homophobe, a bigot or bastard. And maybe you kind of are, I mean, would you care if a strange girl was lusting after your stuff? Probably not.

But a gentleman is honest and straightforward. Don't overplay your hand, admit you have no idea what he is looking at or what is on his mind, but that regardless, your life would be a little bit better if he stopped staring at you.

The less you say about the whole thing the less can be thrown back at you. And of course, if you have a really great body, people are probably going to stare. That's just the cost of being beautiful.

Out the Corner of Our Eye,
The Gentlemen

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to Say Hello to a Pornstar

Dear Gentlemen,
I recently found myself on a twelve-hour flight to the Middle East (I'm an international human rights lawyer) sitting next to a pornstar who I instantly recognized. She's famous for doing some unusually dirty things. And I am, in my own way, a fan. Or rather, I was.

What would have been the right way to introduce myself? Should I have mentioned that I recognized her, or feigned ignorance?

Hindsight May Help,
Dirty Thoughts in DC

Dear Hindsight,
Introducing yourself to the people sitting next to you on a plane is always a delicate affair. Speaking with a celebrity sitting next to you on a plane, tougher still. Meeting an attractive female celebrity sitting next to you on a plane can cause even the coolest gent to stumble. But saying hello to a beautiful, famous woman who just happens to be sitting next to you for 12 hours, and whom you have witnessed on the internet receiving a dirty sanchez, well that could cause a gentleman to ask for a new seat.

But don't fear, pornstars, like celebrities, are not better than you. Whenever you meet the person next to you on a plane you assume they do not want to talk to you. You begin with brief eye contact and a head nod. If that goes passably well you say hello. If the person next to you feels like talking then feel free to move onto the regular niceties.

Do not bring up that you have seen the person engage in graphic sexual acts. If they bring it up, simply acknowledge it with a head nod - the same way you would respond to Katy Perry telling you she was a singer.

Of course, if you fear that you are about to fall in love with a woman that has had unprotected sex with thousands of different men and women, you may just want to say "pornstar" out loud to make sure that you want to go through with it. If you still want to go through with it, try saying "double penetration." If that doesn't get it out of your system, think of your new relationship as saving a rich woman from the sex trade, and never ever make one of those videos where the husband watches.

The Gentlemen

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Stoner You Kind of Know

Dear Gentlemen,
I recently attended my 10 year high school reunion and ran into a guy that I was not close friends with back in the day, but whom I liked and drank with on a few occasions. He knew I hung out with people who enjoyed their drugs, but we never did any drugs together. We both now have regular jobs and are married.

Anyway, this guy asked me if I had any stuff or knew whereto get any, which of course I did and I did. How is a gentleman to respond?

Puzzled in Paducah

Dear Puzzled,
While there's nothing wrong with starting a new friendship over an illicit substance, a gentleman should occasionally ask himself the following question: Am I getting too old for this kind of thing?

The risk-reward scenario, while likely a non-factor in one’s youth, bears watching ten years out of high school. Here’s a guy you don’t really know, whose situation you’re only somewhat familiar with, asking you to produce something illegal. Now, 99% of the time, this situation is totally fine. But is it worth it for the 1% of times that it’s not?

Maybe the night is young, you're still a cool dude and the torpedoes be damned because life is short. Or maybe you can just wait to get high with people you know and trust.

The Gentlemen

Exciting News from G3nt

G3nt will be scaling back its five-posts-per-week schedule over the next month while it prepares two new features.

#1: “A Gentleman Answers Women’s Questions”
Like most gentlemen before us, we at G3nt must occasionally give in to the vociferous and persistent demands of women. So we will begin taking questions from women. The new, regular “A Gentleman Answers Women’s Questions” feature will become a regular staple, and we hope that it helps alleviate the misunderstandings that often plague the interactions between men and women.

Women may post their questions anonymously on the site, or simply send them to

#2: “What a Gentleman May Wish to Purchase”
Based on the many questions we get about what a gentleman should buy, we will begin doing product reviews. So if you have any questions about what soap to wash with or what whiskey to drink, or anything along those lines, please post them anonymously on the site, or simply send them to

The answers will appear in a regular “What a Gentleman May Wish to Purchase” section. The questions can be as general or s specific as you please and we will answer them once and for all. And if any of you work for a company that produces products that gentlemen may wish to purchase, we cannot guarantee that free samples won’t result in an favorable unspoken bias toward your product.