I recently attended my 10 year high school reunion and ran into a guy that I was not close friends with back in the day, but whom I liked and drank with on a few occasions. He knew I hung out with people who enjoyed their drugs, but we never did any drugs together. We both now have regular jobs and are married.
Anyway, this guy asked me if I had any stuff or knew whereto get any, which of course I did and I did. How is a gentleman to respond?
Puzzled in Paducah
Dear Puzzled,
While there's nothing wrong with starting a new
friendship over an illicit substance, a gentleman should occasionally ask
himself the following question: Am I getting too old for this kind of thing?
The risk-reward scenario, while likely a non-factor in
one’s youth, bears watching ten years out of high school. Here’s a guy you don’t really know, whose situation you’re only somewhat familiar with, asking you to
produce something illegal. Now, 99% of the time, this situation is totally
fine. But is it worth it for the 1% of times that it’s not?
Maybe the night is young, you're still a cool dude and the torpedoes be damned
because life is short. Or maybe you can just wait to get high with people you
know and trust.
The Gentlemen
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