Thursday, April 19, 2012

She Buys Me Things

Dear Gentlemen,
I am in a relationship with a woman that I like but do not love. She is a corporate lawyer and makes a ton of money. I pretty much live at her place. She buys us great dinners and takes us out drinking. I'm a kept man. She gives me nice clothes. She bought me an expensive watch. How long can I keep this up without doing permanent damage to my soul?
Luxuriously Awaiting Your Reply, NYC

Dear Mr. Luxurious,
I don't know if you love this girl, like this girl, are indifferent or filled with a quiet hatred bordering on rage. What I do know, is that if you are asking when you have to end a relationship to avoid doing permanent damage to your soul, the answer is now.

People have been living less than their dream lives since Homer was writing about what the Greeks were doing outside the walls of Troy. Now you are playing the role of Helen wondering when your true love is going knock down your world and whisk you away. A gentleman does not wait for life to happen. He takes control of his life.

You have to end it. Be straight forward and honest. And if that doesn't work, blame her job.

The Gentlemen

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