Friday, April 6, 2012

Celebrities Are Not Better Than You

Dear Gentlemen,
I frequent a popular restaurant, where I often see celebrities I admire. What’s the right way to approach them?
Star Struck in Studio City

Dear Mr. Struck,
A gentleman does not abase himself unnecessarily. If you must approach a celebrity, let dignity be your watchword.

If you’re in a restaurant, send over a drink, or a bottle of wine, then nod or wave to express your approval of the celebrity.

And if you must say hello to them, keep it brief, tell them which of their achievements you admire, and then be the one to end it. That will make it less awkward for the celebrity, and reduce the likelihood that you will be dramatically disappointed. There’s a reason they say to never meet your heroes.

Remember that you’re a gentleman, not a teenage girl or some slot-pulling retiree. Don’t ask for an autograph or take a picture with them, and don't hit on female celebrities - especially Drew Barrymore.

In an Egalitarian Mood,
The Gentlemen

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