Friday, April 27, 2012

Baby Shower Thank You Card?

Dear Gentlemen,
My buddy is having a baby and in some sort of annoying new twist on an old tradition I was invited to a baby shower. It was a great party hosted by his aunt, whom I know and like. Great food, lots to drink, I even bought the coming bundle of joy a small stuffed bird.

Great, fine, I don't love that men go to baby showers, but whatever. Now my girlfriend says I have to send the Aunt a thank you card? Is this as crazy and unnecessary as I believe it to be?

Marcos, KC

Dear Marcos,
Yes it is crazy.

Gentlemen don't send thank you cards for attending baby showers. Gentlemen do not even have to attend baby showers. In fact, we need to stand together on this new trend. We might go, but don't have to. We might take a gift, but we will not coo over them when they are opened. We might eat tiny crustless sandwiches, but we will not feel bad about eating all of them.

We will thank the host when we leave, but we will not send thank you cards.

The Gentlemen

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