Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Required Reading

Dear Gentlemen,
Are there any books or periodicals which are a must-read for the modern day gentleman? What subjects must he be prepared to discuss socially?

Literate in Scituate

Dear Literate,
While there are many wonderful books we would recommend, the roots of our culture are too deep and its branches too diffuse to embark on such a list.

A gentleman’s education, no matter where his schooling ended, is a personal affair, made up of towering obsessions, daily odds-and-ends, professional training and mild curiosities. It is how he becomes who he is meant to be, and there is no reading list for such a thing.

That said, a gentleman should strive to acquire a broad base of information, knowing a little about every subject. This is not a requirement, but something that will enhance his enjoyment of life, and his enjoyment of social situations. It enables him to connect with a wider array of people, and to learn something from all of them.

A social occasion is an time to hold forth on subjects you know and to learn about ones you do not. It’s not a test, and shouldn’t be a cause for anxiety. A gentleman isn’t afraid to admit to the limits of his own knowledge. He recognizes that such an admission is a chance to learn new things. And he knows that other people usually enjoy explaining subjects they’ve taken the time to master. Engaging someone on the home turf of their expertise is usually enjoyable and beneficial to both parties.

In sum, if you're looking for a must-read, just look for what you'd like to read next.

The Gentlemen


  1. Come on, G3nt...that's the best you could do? You can't indulge this poor sap with even ONE good book/magazine/newspaper recommendation? You're not running for Congress here, brah. Yes, there's a wide variety of media out there and we must follow our own instincts, blah blah blah...but if you wanna stay current/hip/informed as an adult in this world, I think it's safe to say there's a core of books/media that will do more to get you there than other stuff will. Am I wrong?

  2. Fine. Here is one:

