Friday, February 3, 2012

You Can't Say That at Work

Dear Gentlemen,

Here is a question I struggle with and I'm sure others do as well. Where should gentlemen draw the line with the use of profanity in the workplace? Should I keep the sewer-mouthed comments contained to "the boys" in the office or is it okay to toss out the occasional ill-mannered grunt of profanity in front of some select women? And whatever the answer, can we remain gentleman in the eyes of others even while dropping the occasional fuck, shit, crap, motherfucker, bitch, cunt, dumbass, fuck-nuts, dipshit, etc?

Thanks for the help
Corp Ho, Boston, MA

Dear Corp Ho,
Despite the boundless affirmations in the English language, we often find each other most endearing when we slip the occasional fuckwad in to an otherwise innocuous conversation. The basest of our words are what remind others that we are in fact human beings and not corporate drones. However, the use of such language in the workplace can be, at times, inappropriate.

Among men, the tradition of filthy interjections at work is best reserved for private moments or quiet asides among colleagues you consider friends. Always let your boss toss out the first fucker, and, as a general rule, don't take the language drastically beyond the boss.

Women bring an additional layer of complexity to foul language due to the sexual nature of so many words considered inappropriate. That said, it just makes it that much more hilarious to say something particularly gross to a friendly female colleague.

Of course if you are a sailor or a lawyer, fuck it, say whatever you want.

Linguistically Yours,
The Gentlemen

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