Friday, January 27, 2012

I Don't Want to be Facebook Friends

Dear Gentlemen,
I am in need of some gentlemanly advice. I have received a few friend requests on facebook from people whom I do not consider friends in real life. My distaste for them in the real world leeds me to not wanna be their friend in the cyber world. What is the gentlemanly way to handle this matter? I have thought about denying their friend request, but I'm not sure if that is the response that a proper gentleman might give? What is the proper etiquette for a gentleman in 2012 when he receives a facebook friend request from someone he does not want to accept?
Thank you for your help with this quandary.
Jimmy the Gent, KCMO

Dear Mr. Jimmy,
Facebook etiquette is an unsettled business. Initially the proper etiquette was to friend everyone and anyone because facebook was new and the only point of it seemed to see what everyone you ever met was doing these days – how much money they have and what their girlfriends look like. But now that we all know that, the rules have changed a bit and a person has to become a bit more selective. It is a reflection of your character if you have 1,500 friends that you have never seen nor have any interest in speaking to in the real world.

Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to ignore a friend request. On the off chance that you see the ignored person in the real world, and they bring it up, then you politely suggest that you do not really facebook that much any more.

The Gentlemen

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