Tuesday, April 10, 2012

That Facebook Picture of a Pot Pipe Isn't Cool

Dear Gentlemen,
I have a friend who is 35 years old who just posted a picture of his super sweet glass pot pipe onto Facebook. How do I tell him this is inappropriate?

The Grown Up, Twin Cities

Dear Grown Up,
Here at G3nt, we get a lot of questions about how to deal with that good friend who can't quite get it together. Posting an inappropriate Facebook photo certainly falls into the category of not quite having it together.

Like dealing with a friend with a drinking problem, your responsibility to tell the friend he's being a huge idiot is related to the quality of your friendship. None of us reached out to Charlie Sheen when he went over the handlebars, mostly because he never picks up a check. But when it comes to a sibling or close friend, we have to do something.

A gentleman does not put up pictures on Facebook of drug use, sex or extreme intoxication. When a photo like this gets up there, he enjoys the brief laugh and then he takes the necessary steps to remove it. If your friend doesn't know this rule, tell it to him. Call him and say, "Take that picture of you smoking weed off Facebook. Don't be a jackass."

Sometimes people use Facebook as a public call for help and sometimes they just like to share their good times. You have to know your friend and decide what this photo is all about. Whatever the reason, a friend does not let a friend sabotage his career or make a fool of himself with stupid pictures on Facebook.

The Gentlemen

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